Spine Surgery-Bone instrument


While surgical procedures on the spine are routine operations, they are always very challenging. The ultrasonic bone instrument by Söring was developed specifically for the resection of bone. The ultrasonic technology offers the significant advantage that different effects are displayed distinctly and to varying degrees on various types of tissue. On bone, this consists primarily of mechanical removal, while mostly no effect is visible on tissue containing collagen with a high elastin content (e.g. blood vessels, nerve fibres, dura mater).

Compared to conventional techniques, the use of the bone instrument enables precise preparation of the bone with less heat development.* At the same time, surgery can be performed in direct proximity to extremely delicate structures on the spine. These crucial features can make all the difference by offering numerous advantages in spinal surgery, e.g. for modelling or decompression procedures.


High surgical precision:

• non-rotary technology
• knife geometry designed for precise cuts
with a straight cut surface
• bone at the cut surface remains viable*
• rasp geometry designed for precise bone


In close proximity to critical structures:

• less heat generation
• optimised for work on bone
• pressure-free working in tight spaces
• no grabbing

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